

Radiographs can give us valuable information on conditions affecting bones or soft tissue.

We offer in-house digital and dental radiography, and have a portable digital model that we can take out on the road for horses.

Our team can x-ray patients onsite and process films in our automatic processors within three minutes.


We have large and small endoscopes, which allow us to closely examine respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts.

Cats and dogs require a general anaesthetic for an endoscopy, but horses can be conscious or sedated.


Ultrasound can be used to examine the heart and identify the size of internal organs and any  structural changes.

It also allows for a safe and reliable pregnancy diagnosis, and can be used for fertility work in horses and farm animals and assessing tendons in horses.

We have large and small animal ultrasound facilities onsite, and several of our team have post graduate qualifications in the field. 

Cardiac Monitoring

High blood pressure is common in cats (particularly elderly cats), and can lead to serious complications. 

If you’re concerned about your pet’s cardiovascular health, book a consultation with one of our veterinary surgeons. They will be able to use our Doppler sphygmomanometer to monitor your pet’s blood pressure.

An electrocardiogram (ECG) allows us to measure the electrical activity of your pet’s heart, to ensure that it is working effectively and correctly. 

We can examine trace recordings onsite and are able to refer your pet to an external cardiologist if necessary.


We have state-of-the-art biochemical and haematological analysers, which enable us to run rapid and accurate tests on blood, thyroid levels, fructosamine, coagulation screens and lungworm serology.

This allows us to give you and your pet quick and accurate results in-house.

We also offer microscopy work, including skin scrapes for parasite identification, identification of types of ear infection and urine sample analyses.

On the off-chance that we’re unable to meet your pet’s needs in-house, we can also consult our network of specialised external laboratories.


Our team has a keen interest in ophthalmology, so get in touch if you would like to make an appointment.

We also run specialist ophthalmology clinics twice a month, where a specialist veterinary ophthalmologist from the Eye Veterinary Clinic in Leominster is available to review complex referral cases from local practices.